Having started my Feng Shui adventure in 1998 I studied first with Grand Master Lillian Too before delving into the classics. The classics of Feng Shui that is; with Dato Joey Yap of Mastery Academy based in Malaysia. I conduct classical Feng Shui consultations using BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) and Date Selection to personalise the results for each individual client.
Lynda Cook
March 3, 2018
by Lynda Cook (FS8M)
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”
Lao Tzu
When undertaking a Classical Feng Shui audit use of the Luo Pan compass is an important part of the process. The 24 Mountains appear as one of many rings on a Luo Pan. This extensively used ring represents 24 directions employed by consultants when analysing a property and determining the fortunes of its residents. Formulas like Flying Stars and Eight Mansions Feng Shui as well as analysis of BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) for the occupants are all taken into consideration.
A standard compass is separated into 3600 with the primary directions of North, East, South and West and the four secondary directions of Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest each covering 450. The 24 Mountains of the Luo Pan is no different, however each 450 is further sub-divided. It is this sub-division that sets the 24 Mountains ring apart.
Each of the eight sectors (four primary and four sub-directions) are divided into three; eg. N1 (sub), N2 (primary) and N3 (sub); totalling 24 (each 150).
The sub-directions are either Yin or Yang; for example E1 is Yang and E3 is Yin. They also represent one of the four elements* of Water, Wood, Fire and Metal as well as one of the 12 Chinese Astrological animals. Finally, each of the sub sectors is denoted by four of the eight trigrams (four members of the family unit). Northwest (NW2) is the position of Qian (male parent or eldest male), Northeast (NE2) houses Gen (youngest son), Southeast (SE2) is the home of Xun (eldest daughter) and Southwest (SW2) is the location of Kun (female parent or eldest female.)
*You may have noticed there are only four elements around the 24 Mountains with Yin and Yang Earth 'missing.' Yin and Yang Earth, being the transitional element between seasons (third month of each season), sits at the central grid of the compass. It can be seen as the stabilising or grounding influence.
The primary directions represent the location of the four celestial guardians of Feng Shui. Green Dragon (East), Red Phoenix (South), White Tiger (West) and Black Turtle (North.) In the real world the Dragon sits to the front left of the facing and should be higher than the Tiger (front right). The Black Turtle resides at the rear of a property and should ideally be higher land/high building or high trees to provide support. The Red Phoenix is like the bright hall – an open space at the front of a property necessary to attract and gather Qi before it enters a property. They also signify the Rat (N2-Water), Rabbit (E2-Wood), Horse (S2-Fire) and Rooster (W2-Metal). As well as being one of the cardinals these animals are also known as Peach Blossom Stars. Peach Blossom represents relationships in all its many forms and each year there is a 'reigning' Peach Blossom Star.
Year of Monkey : Rat : Dragon – Peach Blossom animal is the Rooster
Year of Pig : Rabbit : Goat – Peach Blossom animal is the Rat
Year of Tiger : Horse : Dog – Peach Blossom animal is the Rabbit
Year of Snake : Rooster : Ox – Peach Blossom animal is the Horse
You can begin to see that each of the 24 sectors has multiple meanings and interpretations. That is why understanding and analysing this deeper knowledge makes 24 Mountains such an important ring on the Luo Pan compass.
There is further information on 24 Mountains here.
February 6, 2018
by Lynda Cook (FS8M)
It is with our passions as it is with fire and water, they are good servants, but bad masters
Anyone who has read anything about Feng Shui will be acquainted with the Five Elements (Wu Xing); Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal each of which has a Yin and Yang aspect. In reality they are types of Qi rather than physical objects and their interaction is what makes a property auspicious or inauspicious; positive or negative.
How do these elements relate to the Luo Shu Grid? This is the 3 x 3 square superimposed over a property or individual room during a Feng Shui consultation.
South is shown at the top in the Luo Shu Grid. Why? Fire and flames rise, the Sun rises in the sky. North is shown at the bottom as its Water element flows down.
Water appears solely in the North of the Luo Shu Grid. In this context it is both Yin and Yang. Like the ocean waves it has no real structure and readily adapts to its surroundings whether a river bank, beach or the walls of an aquarium. Mysterious and dark it hides many secrets and can be related to depression. On the positive side it is associated with career and wealth creation. Water reigns supreme in midwinter when the natural world is at rest. Its colours are black and dark blue.
As water implies flow those who work in a water-shaped wavy building may well see, and experience, a high turnover of staff.
Yang Wood resides in the East palace and Yin Wood, the Southeast. It is tall and rectangular like a multi-storey building. Wood represents growth Qi in spring. Yang Wood is jade green and any of the darker greens; the colours of tall majestic trees in a forest. Yin Wood is blue and lighter green; it is ivy, flowers, grass…Wood able to find a way around anything it comes in contact with.
To thrive and grow as a business, or an employee, working in rectangular buildings (higher than they are wide) is recommended. It is no surprise that skyscrapers are so prevalent in our modern business world.
Like its opposite element Water, Fire appears only in the South palace of the Luo Shu Grid. It is both Yin and Yang in this context. The sun is Yang Fire; a candle, torch or lighted match are Yin Fire. Like the physical manifestation of Fire this triangular Qi spreads in all directions, signifying heat and being seen. Expansion and upward movement are the hallmark of Fire. It is the height of the summer season when the sun is at its peak. Red, orange, purple are colours associated with this element.
Triangular shaped buildings can result in occupants becoming aggressive and prone to accidents. The movement of Qi in such a structure is unable to flow in a natural way.
Earth is the odd one out in the Luo Shu Grid. Having three sectors it is the only one of the Five Elements without a season of its own. Instead it pervades each of the others. Earth is the third month; the transition point between one season and the next. As the final month it indicates completion. Northeast represents the Earth of mountains, large rocks and boulders. Southwest represents sand, soil and small pebbles. The central palace is Earth element. Earth is a solid and secure square representing stability. Its associated colours are yellow, ochre, brown.
Living in a square home provides a solid and stable base for a family to grow and thrive.
West is Yin Metal and Northwest is Yang Metal. Yin Metal is small sharp objects such as scissors. It is also fine jewellery. Yang Metal is the axe, sword and large machinery. Circular in shape with no beginning and no end; its hallmark is contraction. It is dense and cold. Autumn is the season of Metal. Its colours are white, grey and metallic colours such as gold and silver.
Circular buildings are more appropriate for religious structures as the circle is also related to Heaven. To live or work in such a building could create lack of focus with thoughts going ‘round in circles’.
February 3, 2016
by Lynda Cook (FS8M)
"Always pass on what you have learned"
- Yoda
In our increasingly urban world is Feng Shui (translated as 'Wind' and 'Water) still relevant? Is this ancient science really standing the test of time? Let's take a look and see where this takes us.
Feng Shui is about the flow and quality of Qi. It is about harnessing the positive (slow moving and harmonious) and deflecting the negative (fast moving and aggressive) Qi in our environment. It is influenced by everything it comes into contact with whether that be mountains and water or buildings and people.
We all have a sixth sense. Sometimes we 'feel' when a person is comfortable or uncomfortable to be around and we react accordingly. Sometimes we 'feel' a building is welcoming or it can make us feel uncomfortable. That is our selves reacting to the energetic field; the Qi that is present everywhere.
So how important can Feng Shui possibly be to us in the 21st Century? Can our modern lives really benefit from utilising the centuries old knowledge of Feng Shui? Of course they can!
Thanks to the things we take for granted in today's society such as international travel, the world wide web and mobile connectivity Feng Shui has made its way into the western world influencing our living and working environments on its journey. This didn't happen by chance. It is obviously something we needed to be made aware of. As a result it has become more and more relevant to the way we live our lives. We are being influenced by its appeal and by the tantalising possibility of improving our way of life through its practice. The environment in which we live and work exerts a major influence on our situation so it makes sense to be in a place that attracts what we require to bring us health, wealth and happiness.
One thing to remember is a combination of the environment and the human element determines an outcome. Heaven influences Earth (as above so below) which in turn influences Man and they are all part of the bigger picture which attracts good or bad results.
The very best time to utilise Feng Shui for maximum benefit is at the design stage. This means an individual house can be built to face the most auspicious direction for the residents based on their desired outcome. This means an office building designed both outside and in to benefit the company and the nature of its business. Apartment buildings designed and built to attract an increasingly expanding community.
Lately Feng Shui has begun to have a huge impact around the world on the way new housing developments, apartment buildings and business premises are designed and located. There are even whole towns now being designed to Feng Shui principles.
One thing to remember is that multi storey buildings such as apartment and office blocks will have good or great Feng Shui. However until they are occupied they will not have the influence of residents or work force so the story does not end there.
Each person/s occupying a property has their own blueprint and this will impact on their environment. So moving into a property with great Feng Shui does not mean their Feng Shui experience will be equally great. An individual together with their dreams and desires has their own a set of parameters requiring Feng Shui analysis to bring out the best in their lives. Therefore before choosing an apartment or office suite the services of a Feng Shui Consultant can help select the one most in balance and harmony with the occupants. Win-win situation all round.
November 19, 2014
by Lynda Cook (FS8M)
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
Lao Tzu (604 BC-531 BC)
The purpose of Feng Shui is to bring balance and harmony into your living, working space and into your life. There are different ways of achieving this using various formulas and methods. A consultant applies many techniques to achieve the end result however you can begin by taking small steps to make changes in your home or office personalised for you.
When practising modern or symbolic Feng Shui you can use generic locations or focus on what is specific to you. Each person has a Gua number. These numbers belong to either West Group or East Group. This number is determined from your year of birth. Once you know your Gua number you will also discover four good and four bad directions* applicable to that number. This is a system known as Personal Eight Mansions.
Your home has four good and four bad locations*. This is known as Home Eight Mansions and allows you to identify whether you and your home belong to the same East or West Group, whether you are in harmony. This system is based on the sitting direction of your property.
West Group Gua are 2, 6, 7 and 8 and their directions are Southwest, West, Northwest and Northeast. East Group Gua are 1, 3, 4 and 9 and their directions are North, East, Southeast and South.
The number 5 is treated a little differently. It belongs to West Group yet is not used as a Gua number. Males with this number use Gua 2 and females use Gua 8. All three numbers belong to the element of Earth.
The Five Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are translated to numbers, locations, colours and much more. Gua numbers 3 and 4 are Wood and the colour green; 9 is Fire and the colours red and orange; 2 and 8 are Earth and the colours yellow and ochre; 6 and 7 are Metal and the colours gold and white; 1 is Water and the colours blue and black.
Knowing the elements and colours you have a natural affinity with allows you to design and arrange your living space to bring you in harmony with the Qi (energy) in your environment.
Qi flow is all important and should always be taken into account when placing your furniture and any decorative items.
Time also plays a vital role in good Feng Shui but that is a story for another time.
*It is important to remember that Personal Eight Mansions identifies directions and Home Eight Mansions identifies locations. This allows you to choose which location to spend time in and at the same time face a direction auspicious for you.
To discover more read these articles and if you want to find your personal Gua number this is how.